Summer Party!

Summer Party Invite

Did somebody say Summer?

The weather is brightening up and it's time to celebrate the hottest season of the year! We'd love to celebrate with you which is why we're hosting a Summer Party! 

There's going to be lots of things to get involved in and with 20% of proceeds going to Mind you'll be supporting a great cause too.

When people visit the cafe, we're often told how much of a mindful space it is and how crafting and sewing has been hugely beneficial for people's mental wellbeing. Because of this, pairing with Mind seemed to be a no brainer. They do so much work across Leeds and we're excited to be able to help their cause.

We're also pairing this event with the launch of some new patterns! These all stick to our ethos of creating 'beautiful basics' but will bring you some new shapes. From dungarees to lightweight shirts and dresses, we hope to provide you with your new wardrobe essentials!

You'll be able to win these patterns along with workshops and other bits and bobs in a raffle where 100% of the proceeds will go to Mind. This will also include some donations from local artists and makers.

A few of these local artists and makers will be forming a mini market in the shop too. They'll be selling their creations as well as giving mini workshops and demonstrations. From live screen printing to mini embroidery classes to customised makes, you'll be able to learn and buy unique pieces that aren't usually available. Stay tuned on our Facebook and Instagram to find out more. Hope to see you there!

It's on the Friday 21st June from 17.00-20.00 and we'd love to see you there! 

Respond to the Facebook event to stay in the loop and let us know how much cake we need to buy in!


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