Lockdown Makes - 2. Reusable Make Up Wipes

If you’re feeling like us, lockdown 2.0 has you feeling a little bit lost again. We feel the best thing you can do for your mental health is get creative.

We’ve put together a couple of short simple projects which you can work through. They won’t take you long but a little pieces you can whip up in between other makes to give you that boost that we all need right now! On top of this, they’re all great scrap buster, and perfect for using up your leftover fabric pieces.

One will be released every week, so get crafty with us and show us what you make!

Lockdown Makes 2: Reusable Make Up Wipes

Easiest with an overlocker, however these can be made on a sewing machine with a zig zag stitch.

  1. Cut Pieces - Find an old towel and some fabric and cut into squares. It’s up to you how big these are, however they all need to be the same size. If you’re making pads for eyeliner, these only need to be small, however you could increase the size for cleansing cloths. In terms of fabric, 100% cottons work best. Not only are they biodegradable, they’re also absorbent and will wash well.
  2. Stitch - Layer a piece of fabric and a piece of towel together and stitch around each edge trapping the edges and attaching them together. You could do this on an overlocker or with a zig zag stitch. Mix it up and try a contrast colour for the stitching or make it tonal with a matching thread.

Tip: Make a drawstring bag to accompany these to make putting them through the wash easier!

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