Working on a More Sustainable Life...
Over the last couple of years, we've all become increasingly more aware of our effect on the environment. It's pushing us to do what we can to make changes and live a more sustainable lifestyle wherever possible. We've put together a few simple projects you can do to reduce your waste even further!
1. Reusable Make Up Wipes
Ok, I don't know about you, but I go through TONS of these! It was only recently I thought about making my own. By cutting up an old towel and some fabric into small circles, you can layer these up and overlock the edges together. This creates cute little make up wipes which you can pop in the wash and reuse over and over again!
You can mix and match the fabrics you use to back them with and they're a great way to use up old scraps of fabric. Perfect for your #sewingleftovers.
Read more about #sewingleftovers on the Magnificent Thread.
2. Repairing That Old Thing in your Wardrobe
Repairing clothes is definitely important for a sustainable lifestyle. By repairing old, worn out pieces, we extend a clothing's lifespan get more wear from it. Changing a zip, darning a hole or simply sewing that button back on, will refresh that old piece and allow you to keep wearing it for many years to come.
It also helps when pieces in your wardrobe fit properly. You'll get more use out of your wardrobe if you enjoy wearing it and whether it's as simple as taking up or letting down a hem or a little more complicated such as taking in the waist, it's all possible and it'll make you love your wardrobe even more.
We're running a series of classes with Headintclouds to show you how to get more from your wardrobe and do just this. From repairs to simple alterations, she'll show you step by step how to make these changes to your wardrobe. The classes run over a few weeks however they're all available to book individually too, if you have a specific garment in mind. Learn more about it here.
3. Beeswax Wraps
These are a great way of protecting food without using plastic. The beeswax covered fabric creates a seal over your dish whilst remaining breathable. There are tons of tutorials on how to make your own online including this one on Apartment Therapy. They'd look fab in a cute print and I'm dying to give it a try with our Blue and White Seersucker.
4. Repurposing
Lots of things have a life span and sometimes they are simply beyond repair, however what if there was a way we could repurpose things are change them into something else. Not only would this extend an objects lifespan, but it would make an old piece have the excitement of being new again.
We all have old jewellery that we can't bear to part with. It might be broken or our personal style has changed but maybe there's something sentimental in it that makes us hold on to it. We're running a class to show you how to repair this old jewellery and repurpose it into something else. You can completely change the design to something that you'll love again! Take a look here for more details.
5. Tote Bags
You can never have enough tote bags! It cuts down on your single use plastic and on top of that, they're just useful! If you're like me, you've already got a collection of thousands but for some reason still crave more.
Our beginners sewing class is a great way to learn the foundations of sewing but make your own tote bag as well. It's a quick class but a fun way to learn a new hobby. Learn more here.
Got any more tips or quick makes which help towards a more sustainable lifestyle? Leave us a comment below and share your ideas!